Saturday, April 30, 2011

Skipped again.

i need to go back to giao ly soon cause its about to be over and everyone's going to be gone. I got one trip to bond with them and i never came back. ): Im going to regret it cause this is the year where everything changes. becoming a T.A. for a different school other than LaSan. Becoming a HT and teaching kid about the bible and tntt stuff. and me going to college. Who knew this year would come so quick. i'll miss it. We went shopping today, me, sis, and mom. like 5 hours and didnt buy anything. i want different ao dai fabric but then i bought that ugly thing already and it would be a waste. ohhh wells. my other uncles wedding will come soon. I'm trying to read more cause its good for you. and i need all i can get. i heard it makes you smarter. we'll see...

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