Saturday, April 30, 2011

If Only

 picture taken by martinhoangphotography
school was super boring. I was sleepy. studying barely helped me. I dry mounted my photo. took a while to use the T thing. stayed in photo class for lunch. I seriously hate 5th period with a passion... in foods, we made our soft tacos. yummm, like for reals. i brought 3 for my walking home buddies and they devoured them. We played hide and seek, tag, and four corners. We should do it more often. Supa fun. We went to get me some horchata and april some Starbucks. I was super thirsty. Talked about girl stuff with my 3rd cousin. At home i found out that my dream date would have went with me to prom. OH MAH GAWD. He wanted my prom to be special. What a cutie. I never want to lose him. Best I ever have. Ohhh wells, we still have Uncles wedding that we can go to. I watched Tangled for the 5th time with mother and fell asleep laying on her lap. she would have carried me to my bed but im too big now so she told me to go sleep in my room.

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