Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dinner Time

Steak, Mash Potatoes, Fried Rice, Cucumbers, and Honey BBQ Sauce. Now that's a feast. In Foods class today, we made omlettes which were okay but i've had better. It was hard to wake up in the morning cause the sun wasn't out yet and I had trouble sleeping cause of the nap I had after school. I've been having really bad headaches lately. Either i'm exhausted, sick, or something is wrong with me. I turned in my scratchers today and got 6 dollars in cash. WOOHOO! Lunch money! I hope I feel better tomorrow and have a great spring break. Subs in a bunch of periods tomorrow.. How fun. Not really but i'm trying to go to all my classes now and not skip anymore. After I turned 18 I was like lets skip this and lets not go to school tomorrow. Not good. Let's stop that until I REALLY WANT TO. The End. Goodnight?

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