Sunday, April 17, 2011

After TN Outings

Woke up to my laptop falling on the floor. OUCH. Tried to keep sleeping but i had to wake my siblings to go to TN early. No one came and we barely did anything. Got a cupcake for coming early though. We had to be statues of the stations of the cross. WE can NOT be SERIOUS. sorry. I tried! ahahahaahaha! Next week, Easter Picnic. YAY! Church was boring cause we didnt get to sit with the kids, but it was great cause I got to sit with the HIPSYS. After mass, we went to KFC and got Arizona from Lucky's. Cool meal. Talked about not signing anything when you marry someone so if they cheat or do something then you get half their money. Diana's plan, marry a rich person, find out their cheating, take half, and marry another rich person. That's not nice. Got home and my sister wanted CHE so we went to New Bambu with mom. I'd never think that many ppl would be there. Oh well, I like che. VietPride. NOMSAYIN? peace. jk im not a G. BYE (:

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