Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday, Friday, Can't eat meat on Friday! Everybody's looking forward to Spring Break, Spring Break!

Today I woke up not wanting to go to school so I snoozed. Only to wake up to a sunny day which helped me get out of bed and ready for school. We had a pop quiz in 1st period and I sat outside for a bit cause i wasn't feeling good. Everyone was gone in 2nd period cause of "senior ditch day" but the theme of senior prom was suppose to be revealed during lunch. IDK what happened. 3rd period, I finished some homework but had a huge headache and wanted to throw up so I was laying all over my table like I was dying. Good thing I had TA that period. 4th period is always fun in photography class but I need to start taking pictures. Texted my sister to come pick me up and she said okay. Got some Banana leaf roti and migoreng? My favs. Drank Advil and took a nice long nap. Now I can't sleep...

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