Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weekends full of Memories

 LA Religious Congress was fun with people I barely talk to. I got to know them better and hang out with them. Wednesday driving over, Thursday Youth Day free time and sandwich making, Friday Homeless shelter to homeless shelter helping out like Midnight mission, Saturday rock climbing and pranked the boys like cream cheese on toothbrushes orange peels in toilets sewing of pants and sleeves cellphones and wallets in safety box, Sunday mass walked around rain missed 500 days of summer bench and headed home.
 DHV XXI "We Light You" crew. Perfect mesh of people, not to competitive but got things done. Outgoing, shy, silly, awkward, weird people. Failed Prank cause got caught, taped sleeping bag down to bed and taped sink and shower holes.
TNTT Training Camp 41? Came late and felt so lost. Didn't know anything, felt like dead weight, fun experience, amazing group, New faces New Friends, Danced crazy, Super exhausted whats happening around me feeling. Probably Dehydrated. No Lesson, Group test GRADUATED. Can't Wait For Red Scarf. Let's Do This!

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