Saturday, April 23, 2011

I liked today, or yesturday since its late.

Soooo... I woke up in the morning to the sun shining into my room. I just felt great! After I came out of the bathroom, it became dark and cloudy but it did not stop it from being a great day. Went to school, Indian show, did all my 1st per HW, just remembered that I had a current event presentation. So I rushed and got help from Richard. I think I did bad on it though. ): Got asked to prom from my Elementary School best friend. made pizza, home, ate a snack, went shopping with my favorite cousin, she bought me shorts. Came home, went to mass, gathered at my youth leaders house, ate meatless foods, and had our talk. Came home super late, planned for the Beach day, ate pizza and went to sleep. OHHH SHOOT! I forgot that at 3am the ghosts come out. good thing though cause i would have been super scared. Painted a Lakers Munny for my friends birthday present! yay! I think it was all thanks to my friend toilet cup cause he hoped i would have a good day and made me feel good about myself. :D

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