Thursday, May 5, 2011

Senior ditch day

Senior Ditch day was chill at school. ahahaha. I hope I got points in english and did good on my gov quiz. ughh. hate gov with a passion. I need to participate more for points. omg. Walked home with vivian milk tea cause i didnt know where my walking home buddies where. finished all my easy hw and no school tomorrow. I'm going to a fashion show! I know how hard they worked. Everything is going to be great. ate bean and cheese burritos from foods class. yum! Mama's chicken is the best. We went to buy ice cream and it was 2 for $7. i picked nasty ice cream. ): Oh wells. Hope i eat it all or just invite friends over if i cant finish it. I TRY to read more. its getting there slowly. It makes me sleepy though. yesterday after school we went to the mall for my friends to meet each other and talk about prom. Thumbs up cause they are cool with each other. twin drove me home and I was just being lazy all day. hehehe. I wish i could get paid for being lazy....

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