Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cropping people out

I've always been the type to push people away. But when they leave, I get all depressed. This one hasn't left. This one is real. The type that stays through all the ups and downs. No matter what. When this one leaves, I'd be more than depressed. But if this one leaves, I'd let it go. Cause this one I can't have to myself. And all I can do is wish for another one to come around.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nobody knows it but me.

"Nights are lonely, days are so sad."
I just want the world to end already. Just saying.

I Don't Care Anymore. Everything&Everyone is full of shit.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Lost in thought

I feel like such a fool. Why did I even bother. It was so obvious. :/

Friday, May 4, 2012

Stuck behind a speed bump

It's been a year and I'm still mad at myself for being so stupid. I'm too scared to try again but my life can't go on until I do so. And when i do, I am going to change for the better. I would finally be able to live my life how i want it. I wouldn't have to work around anyone else schedule. But my life can't go on until I do so.. So all i can do is try and "keep moving forward."

Friday, April 27, 2012

scary freaken nightmare.

i was at some random house having a tea party with my cousin and some friends when we smelt something horrible in the bathroom. when we went to check, it was a zombie lady! she was sitting in the tub with the faucet thing stabbed into her stomach. she was starving. we found out she was a walker as she chased us out side. the house suddenly turned into my cousin’s house. we ran back inside and locked her out. unfortunately she found another way in. stupid us forgot to lock ALL the doors. As i was trying to run away, i screamed.
i guess this is what happens when i watch the walking dead. or maybe it was because of vampire diaries. i think i screamed out loud.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

He give me Deja Vu

Yesturday, I woke up to zuki crying so i went to take him to poop and i see my sister torturing him not letting him go poop. We were trying to potty pad train him. Anyways, i got ready for the mall with my cousin an who was running late. its aight cause i wasn't ready yet anyways xD When i walked to the car i didn't expect to see my kevin deja vu, guy an, and  a new friend named hau. We went to great mall and did some shopping. can you believe they never been there before. they were amazed at everything from the drive there to the stores it had. my sister came and tagged along for a while and left. Kevin ate my cookie! the only white chocolate macadamia nut we bought. Now he owes me one. Of course the fun had to end and i got dropped off at home where i got distracted by tumblr and facebook. I told my cousin hillary to change my password but i still got you! forgot about my BS. I got more homework done then i would have though. i was super tired so i went to sleep, i ddidnt hear my alarm in the morning unless i thought it was a text message and turned it off to go back to sleep. thinking that it was only 9, i hear my dad banging on the floor and thinking to myself " why is he making so much noise when i'm trying to sleep! its too early for this." i check the time and find out it was already 12. man am i not good with alarm clocks. -___-
This Nigga Zuki

Sunday, January 1, 2012


lets see how it goes..

had my first tuna&grape sandwich. continued a friendship bracelet. played dance central demo. had munchies and ate A LOT. chips&salsa, pops cereal, kiwi, and such. went to some dance practice. made a new little friend. Heard MUSIC SOUNDS BETTER WITH YOU BTR at TAPX. NOOOOO! i ate one piece of meat at tapx. Was trying to go vegetarian for a day.

cousin woke me up with a call asking if i wanted to sleep over. went to paint things. had Starbucks after. played KINECT* and watched The Walking Dead. rawwwrrr!
what did i do today?
woke up. got ready for TNTT. Ate the rest of the left over egg rolls. got to church. party with the kids. present giving. hella left over food. went to mass. after party at diana’s. ate more of the food. still some left overs. i took the pizza. played some thinking game.. i wish i was smarter. Finished a 3D apple puzzle.