Monday, December 6, 2010

Why do you like everything i do on facebook

You such a nuisance! You like everything I post on facebook. I guess its cool to have someone like everything you say but dude! Its so stupid cause i post something on someone elses wall and i guess you stalk me or something and like what i put on their wall. Its freaken annoying me. Stop liking eveything i say or do! You dont even know what im talking about. "That's right, You don't even know!"


Tumblr is down and i guess you can say im addicted to blogging. Anyways, i deleted all my other posts from here for some weird reason. If tumblr shuts down or whatever then im going to be sad cause i would like to read all my posts before they go away. Kinda sucks.  ohhh well, there are plenty of other blogging sites. LIKE THIS ONE!